Learning through play
Play plays a vital role in child development
Play-based learning for babies is an effective method to stimulate their cognitive , emotional and physical development. Play can provide a safe environment for babies to explore , experiment and discover new skills .
Games can help babies improve their hand-eye coordination , fine motor skills , and problem-solving abilities . Simple toys, such as blocks and stacking rings, can encourage babies to develop logic and creativity .
Pretend play, such as with dolls and kitchen toys, can strengthen their ability to understand social roles and interpersonal relationships .
Games provide a way for babies to develop language and communication skills
Interactive books, songs and board games can help babies understand words and sounds, which can strengthen their speaking skills .
Play helps babies manage their emotions and feelings
Role play and dolls can provide a way for babies to understand and process their emotions , while music and dance play can provide opportunities for physical expression .
A fun activity for babies and their families
Games can strengthen family bonds by allowing parents and children to play together and create wonderful memories.
Find the interview with Stéphane Clerget , child psychiatrist at Cergy-Pontoise hospital, in which he explains why play is essential for the development of children.
Discover here our collection of games designed to awaken the senses of little ones!